When I use chocolate ganache I hope I end up with leftovers so I can have a little treat later. Ganache is very simple to make with only 2 ingredients, chocolate and heavy cream. It is super smooth, creamy and oh so chocolatey. As you have probably noticed in some of my other buttercream recipes, a lot of the images show chocolate ganache on top. That is because it is so scrumptious I add it to anything I can. I hope you find this recipe helpful. Enjoy!

1 1/3 cup chocolate chips (semi- sweet)
1 cup heavy whipping cream
- Bring cream to a simmer using medium heat, then remove from heat.
- Place chocolate chips in a bowl and pour hot cream on top. Cover the bowl and let sit for 5 minutes.
- Stir the chocolate chips and cream together until velvety smooth. It will develop a nice shine when it is done.
- Then let the ganache sit uncovered for approximately 15 minutes. This will allow it to thicken up a bit and cool. Make sure your cake is nice and cold before pouring for best results.
-Store in the fridge until ready to serve. Left overs can be stored in an air tight container in the freezer for up to 3 months.

- If you plan to use as a filling, create a damn around the outer edge of your first layer of cake. Then pour the thickened ganache into the center of the cake. Add your next layer and continue in this fashion. If you plan to do more then one layer, I recommend adding a dollop of buttercream in the very middle of the cake to help create some support. The addition of wooden dowels will help as well if needed.
- See below for different methods of ganache on cakes.

For this cake (left /above), the ganache was spread over the cake rather then poured.

On this cake (right/ above), the ganache was poured over a chilled cake while the ganache was warmer. Place your chilled cake on a drip wrack with a cookie sheet below to collect the drippings. Then pour the chocolate over the cake in a circular motion, starting in the middle and allowing to flow over the sides of the cake until fully covered. This method creates a more shiny finish.

This cake in photo above was done with a ganache drip. Chill the cake in the fridge then add slightly cooled ganache onto the cake slowly allowing it to drip down the sides. Alternatively, add just enough ganache to the top of the cake (starting in the center) then add the remaining ganache to a piping bag with small open tip (or a squeeze bottle) and work your way around the cake adding drips where desired.
Check out my you tube channel "Sweet and Savoury @hollysrecipes22" to watch how chocolate ganache is made. https://youtu.be/sxJeWtnWgIQ
Whether it is Sweet or Savoury, let it be made with love.